Pierre-Gilles Wogue
Practice areas
- Bar admission: 1995
- Masters Degree in Business Law from Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas (1992) and a Master of Advanced Studies (DEA) in Private Law Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne (1993)
- Bachelor’s Degree from Science-Po Paris (Paris School of Political Sciences) (1991)
- Partner, Rambaud Martel
- Partner, Salans (1991)
- Partner of ADVANT Altana (2009)
Areas of expertise:
- Restructuring, prevention and handling of corporate difficulties and crisis management
- Specialist in mergers-acquisitions transactions and, more generally, in corporate law, general commercial law and banking and finance law
- Complex litigation in corporate law, liability and commercial law, including traditional M&A transactions
- Specialisation in companies experiencing difficulties, groups restructuring one or several subsidiaries, creditors, investment groups or funds, etc
Practice Areas:
- experienced counsel and litigator with a practice in restructuring and special situations spanning two decades
- considerable experience in advising distressed companies with a pronounced international dimension (medium to large companies, conglomerates and financial institutions), from protective measures (mandat ad hoc, conciliation) to insolvency proceedings (safeguard, administration, and judicial liquidation)
- recognized in the field of restructuring and frequently called upon to participate in expert working groups at the French, European and international levels regarding reforms and regulations.
- French
- English
- German
- Best Lawyers – recognized since 2020 (Insolvency and Reorganization Law)
- Chambers Europe 2023 – Restructuring / Insolvency – France
- Legal 500 EMEA 2023 – Insolvency – Tier 3
- Option Droit & Affaires 2023 – Restructuring : Procédures collectives – 3 étoiles
- Décideurs (Leaders League) 2023 – Restructuring & Entreprises en difficulté : Conseil des banques et créanciers – Excellent
- Décideurs (Leaders League) 2023 – Restructuring & Entreprises en difficulté : Conseil des entreprises large-cap et de leurs actionnaires – Excellent
- Décideurs (Leaders League) 2022 – Fusions & Acquisitions : Distressed M&A – Excellent
- Décideurs (Leaders League) 2022 – Risques industriels, assurances & Contentieux de la responsabilité : Sinistres et contentieux des assurances – Forte Notoriété
- Trophée d’Argent (Restructuring) lors des Trophées du Droit 2017.
- member of International Bar Association
- member of France Invest
- “Cryptocurrency exchange and Insolvency, INSOL, October 2023
- “Transposition de la directive « Restructuration et insolvabilité » : des outils de prévention novateurs pour les entreprises en temps de crise”, Option Droit & Affaires, Novembre 2021
- “Des urgentistes afin d’éviter la faillite”, Le Parisien, Février 2021
- “France : quelle place pour les dispositifs alternatifs aux licenciements dans la gestion de la crise ?”, Planet Labor, Janvier 2021
- “Que retenir de l’affaire Wirecard ?”, Mindfintech.fr, Février 2021
- “Entreprises en difficulté : des «avocats urgentistes» pour éviter la faillite“, Le Parisien, Février 2021
- “Faillites d’entreprises : dernière ligne droite avant le tribunal ou sauvetage in extremis”, Le Monde, Septembre 2020
- “L’acquisition de Viadeo : une interaction innovante entre les lois française et américaine” – Expertises, n°433, mars 2018
- “Innovative play between French and US laws: the cross-border acquisition of Viadeo a French/US-based social networking platform” – Corporate Counsel (Focus Restructuring, Winter 2017)
- “Du bon usage de la procédure pour faciliter le règlement des difficultés par la négociation” – Décideurs Stratégie Finance Droit – September 2010
- “Seeking the Optimal System in the EU in Insolvency Proceedings: Council Regulation (EC) No. 1346/2000” – Biuletyn Arbitrazowy, n°11 – 2009
- “Comment désamorcer les potentiels conflits entre les actionnaires et dirigeants dans un contexte de LBO en difficultés” – Magazine des Affaires, n°39 – March 2009
Published news
“A world without judges?” What is the judge’s place for businesses?
- Events
- Partnerships
On November 22nd Altana is organizing, in partnership with the AFJE, a conference… Read more
The Acquisition of Viadeo: An Innovative Interaction between French and American Law
- Articles and publications
In one of the first cases of its kind, US Chapter 15… Read more
Innovative play between French and US laws: the cross-border acquisition of Viadeo
- Articles and publications
In one of the first cases of its kind, US Chapter… Read more
“A world without judges?” What is the judge’s place for businesses?
13/11/2018 - Events - Partnerships
On November 22nd Altana is organizing, in partnership with the AFJE, a conference… Read more
The Acquisition of Viadeo: An Innovative Interaction between French and American Law
04/04/2018 - Articles and publications
In one of the first cases of its kind, US Chapter 15… Read more
Innovative play between French and US laws: the cross-border acquisition of Viadeo
19/12/2017 - Articles and publications
In one of the first cases of its kind, US Chapter… Read more
Linked news
ADVANT Altana advises Loca Service Group on the opening of its capital to a pool of investors
- Articles and publications
Advant Altana advised the industrial group Loca Service on the opening up of… Read more
ADVANT Altana advises Cegid on the acquisition of KMB Labs
- Articles and publications
ADVANT Altana has advised Cegid, the European leader in cloud management solutions, on the acquisition of KMB Labs, a French HR tech start-up. Read more
ADVANT Altana advised the founders of the Huguenin Group on the acquisition of a majority stake by FrenchFood Capital
- Articles and publications
ADVANT Altana a conseillé les fondateurs du groupe Huguenin, acteur de référence dans la production de produits carnés pour les chefs haut de gamme, dans le cadre de la prise de participation majoritaire de FrenchFood Capital au capital du groupe. Read more
View all news
ADVANT Altana advises Loca Service Group on the opening of its capital to a pool of investors
15/07/2024 - Articles and publications
Advant Altana advised the industrial group Loca Service on the opening up of… Read more
ADVANT Altana advises Cegid on the acquisition of KMB Labs
12/06/2024 - Articles and publications
ADVANT Altana has advised Cegid, the European leader in cloud management solutions, on the acquisition of KMB Labs, a French HR tech start-up. Read more
ADVANT Altana advised the founders of the Huguenin Group on the acquisition of a majority stake by FrenchFood Capital
27/05/2024 - Articles and publications
ADVANT Altana a conseillé les fondateurs du groupe Huguenin, acteur de référence dans la production de produits carnés pour les chefs haut de gamme, dans le cadre de la prise de participation majoritaire de FrenchFood Capital au capital du groupe. Read more