Step up…
Founded in 2009, ADVANT Altana is an independent law firm with 25 partners and 85 lawyers, and is one of the leading business law firms in France. It offers top-level expertise on both advisory and litigation matters to its clients.
ADVANT Altana is highly regarded for its:
. Technical and strategic expertise in advice and litigation with deep understanding of clients’ constraints, activities and cultures.
. Global view of markets, institutions and administrations, providing with new perspectives and insights.
. True collaborative approach to working alongside clients and partners, through specialised and transversal teams.
. Particular know-how on complex issues in highly regulated sectors such as health and life sciences, insurance and banking, construction, TMT and renewable energy
. Strong emphasis on adding value to clients’ activities and projects.
… to think ahead
ADVANT Altana is a member of ADVANT – a European law firm association which is uniquely positioned to give clients the advantage as they navigate the complex and nuanced legal and commercial landscape of Europe. ADVANT member firms are leading legal and tax advisors in their respective jurisdictions. ADVANT is one of the largest European legal advisors. Our combined team is comprised of more than 600 professionals, including more than 145 equity partners in 15 locations across Europe and around the world. The association was established in 2021 by three founding member firms – Altana in France, Beiten Burkhardt in Germany, and Nctm in Italy.
ADVANT Altana is an active member of numerous influential legal and industry associations around the world, including the International Bar Association (IBA), l’Union International des Avocats (UIA), International Trademark Association (INTA), the American Bar Association (ABA) and INSOL International. In addition, the firm is a founding member of LCLIA, an international alliance dedicated to the construction sector.
Retour sur la difficile conciliation entre liberté de la presse et prévention des abus de marché
18/07/2024 Articles and publications
Liberté fondamentale garantie par la loi du 29 juillet 1881 et l’article 10 de la Convention de sauvegarde des droits de l’homme et des libertés fondamentales (CESDH), la protection des journalistes au titre de la liberté de la presse n’est toutefois pas absolue et s’incline, dans certaines hypothèses, devant l’impératif de protection de l’intégrité des marchés financiers Retrouvez l’article de Benjamin Dors et Marie Tavant dans le dernier numéro d’Option Droit & Affaires, disponible en ligne (accès abonnés) ou sur demande :… Read more
ADVANT Altana advises Loca Service Group on the opening of its capital to a pool of investors
15/07/2024 - Articles and publications
Advant Altana advised the industrial group Loca Service on the opening up of its capital to a pool of minority… Read more
The European Commission’s Revised Market Definition Notice in Practice
10/07/2024 - Articles and publications
Market definition permeates every competition law assessment. It is an essential tool to define competition’s boundaries: Who competes with whom? What is a company’s market power? Will the merging companies face sufficient competitive constraints in the future? Read more

We have been dealing with the effects of COVID-19 for several months now. As a global health crisis, this unprecedented situation has forced us to rethink the way we interact. We have adapted to new standards, to restrictions on movement. We are coping with this situation in order to maintain our activities as normally as possible while preserving everyone's health.
As always, we are committed to working with you to answer all your questions and requests. Do not hesitate to contact your usual contacts by e-mail or phone.
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