

Integrating Competition Law-related Risks in Compliance Programs & Ensuring Their Effectiveness : Between Necessity & Opportunity!

10/11/2017 - Articles and publications

By a communiqué dated 19 October 2017, the French Competition Authority annonced the withdrawal of its 10 February 2012 Framework document under which companies choosing to benefit from the provisions of non-contestation of grievances could obtain a 10% reduction of the penalty incurred upon commiting to implement or improve a competition law compliance program.

Marie Hindré, Partner, and Caroline Diot, Senior Associate at Altana, comment on this decision in an interview published on 9 November 2017 by Le Monde du Droit.

 “Intégrer les risques liés au droit de la concurrence dans les programmes de conformité et s’assurer de leur effectivité : entre nécessité et opportunité !”