Wake up (with) arbitration – September 30, 2014
22/08/2014 - Events
Caroline Duclercq hosted at ALTANA Law Firm, on 30 September, along with Valence Borgia and Maria Beatriz Burghetto, a “Wake up (with) Arbitration!” roundtable on the topic “Is it possible to reduce costs without sacrificing the quality of the arbitration?”.
On this occasion, Marie Danis & Jalal El Ahdab debated the issue, answering either by the affirmative or the negative. Their presentations of 10 minutes each have been followed by a free and interactive debate during which all participants have been invited to give their opinion and ask questions.
For more information, or to participate in a next session, visit the “Wake up (with) Arbitration” blog, their LinkedIn group, or send them an email at the following address: